If you’re thinking about having your wisdom teeth removed, you’re in good company. Approximately 5 million people every year have their wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are removed for different reasons such as pain, stiffness, swelling, and more. The reasons for removal may vary, but the after surgery care is standard.
It’s summertime and the kids are home from school. Now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment today with Dr. Tomlinson! Call us today at 706-549-5033.
Q&A Post-Operation Care
You’re done with the operation and there is now a gap where your third molar used to be. To ensure correct healing and to prevent dry socket, follow the instructions provided by Dr. Tomlinson.
Q: When will my pain go away?
A: Typically, your pain will cease one to two days after surgery. Prescription pain medication may be used appropriately to help with the pain. While on medication, refrain from influences that may have negative effects such as drinking alcohol and smoking.
Q: Is it normal to bleed after surgery?
A: Yes. It is normal for you to experience light bleeding for up to 24 hours following surgery. Pressure on the wound is the best way to help the bleeding to cease. After surgery, Dr. Tomlinson will provide you with gauze packets to use directly on the wound. Bite firmly for 30 minutes on the gauze before removing or changing the gauze. Feel free to call us post-surgery if you have any questions or concerns.
Q: What am I allowed to eat?
A: Many patients eat food that does not requiring chewing such as yogurt, applesauce, or ice cream. Avoid foods with small particles such as popcorn or peanuts. It is very important to keep the wound free from any food particles to ensure proper healing. Avoid the use of a straw due to the suction it creates. The suction can easily extract the blood clot that is forming in your wound and it may cause bleeding to start.
Q: How do I know if I have dry socket?
A: If you are correctly caring for your mouth after surgery, you should have less pain as the days progress. If you have an increase of pain roughly three to four days after surgery and pain medication doesn’t help, you may have dry socket. Call us immediately at 706-549-5033 so we can help you.
Wisdom Teeth History
Anthropologists believe wisdom teeth were our ancestor’s knife and fork. Our ancestors ate tougher food such as nuts and roots which caused more wear and tear on their teeth. Third molars helped them chew their food better to allow easier digestion. Over time, our diet changed and knives and forks were created, leaving wisdom teeth to hide under our gums.